söndag 1 augusti 2010

Not in my backyard, utensils! Go back to China!

Åh gud, vilken enorm flashback jag fick nu. (L)

"The only way out is up!" Elsie whispered to me, "A leeeaaaap ooooof faaaaaaiiith."
"Still thirsty?" "Parched." "Have some milk."
...and I lowered myself beneath her swollen utter
and I sucked
the sweetest milk I had ever tasted
"Climb on booooaaaard." She said.
And as a harvest moon rose over Cyberland, we reared back, we sprang into a gallop, leaping, out of orbit, I awoke singing...
"Only thing to do, only thing to do is jump, only thing to do is jump over the moon, only thing to do is jump over the moon, over the moon, over the.... Moo. Moo with me."

Over The Moon - RENT Soundtrack

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